Art Direction by Jack Frischer and Emma Gindy. Photography by Lauren Fox and Megan Stansbury

Simple Syrup Magazine (2016–2020)
Simple Syrup is a student run magazine aimed to highlight novel thoughts about food, culture, and community. I served as Art Director for the publication in the 2019–2020 academic school year, and worked as a designer and illustrator for the publication since Fall 2016. As Art Director, I oversaw all illustration and photography in the magazine, as well as collaborate with the design director to conceptualize the cover. I assisted in the magazine’s redesign in Fall 2016, as well as designed spreads and determined typographic elements in the publication. 
Below: Select spreads art directed from Issue 8 of Simple Syrup. Layout design by Emma Gindy
For each cover shoot, the design team challenges to create stunning and experimental photography in relation to the theme. The magazine's themes have included Identity, Obsession, Metamorphosis, Myths, and Power.
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